Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Can't really make up my mind?

Lets not stick to one genre - thats just narrow minded and silly. It understandable you might 'like' something heaps - but lets not overkill. Its very easy to convince yourself something is amazing because you listen to it over and over again, when really you could be spending that time diversifying into something you might actually enjoy. As much as i like listening to the same album/track/mixtape over and over again, I need to explore, and i need to explore now.

LSB are Pete Herbert & Georgina Fernandez. I don't really know much about Georgina, but I remember hearing his remix of 'Maelstrom - Enter the Cosmos' at a local record store about a year ago, and nearly started dancing. I was a bit reluctant to dive into 'disco' music cause all i picture is girls on roller-skates and disco STU doing the Nutbush. Back to the matter at hand - Pete is one half of Optimo, one Half of LSB and probably involved a million other side-projects. I missed him when he came out, and im bummed. This is a B-Side called Cosmic Wild Boar. Check they're MYSPACE.

LSB - Cosmic Wild Boar

Also look for Shout by LSB - a very simple filtered number with a huge acid line. Speaking of Acid lines (something that we dig very much at Late Notice) - is a track by Jesper and John Dahlback - Forsberg Loves The Acid. Jesper is an amazing producer and engineer, i own a couple of his vinyls (which hopefully i will rip in the future). I am totally obsessed with his track POLYHOUSE (reworked). Jesper is Johns older cousin - Why cant my cousins be awesome producers? Instead of getting plastic cricket sets and hand-me-downs at Christmas i would of gotten 303's and Moogs?

Jesper and John Dahlback - Forsberg Loves The Acid

Running with a bit of techno here - The next track has a striking similarity to Erotic Discourse. HOBO is one man - Joel Boychuk, i don't really know much about this guy - but he is unbelievable - his debut album 'From A to B' was released on Ritchie Hawtins label M_nus. The vinyl release LP was Failsafe/Midnight, so i am guessing those two tracks were most popular in the techno scene, but im posting 'IM NOT IT'.

Hobo - Im Not It - link not working?!?!?

A darker track that is best heard loud - preferably in an underground abandoned train yard rave....with zombies. I know that sounds specific but this is serious underground techno that certainly has a time and place - it may not be for the 7:30am train from Stanmore to the City, But im sure if you blast it at a bender some ring-in will shake your hand or give you a cigarette of something.

As much as i would love to post hours of throbbing techno - 'it scares girls'....So here is something for the whole family. John & Jehn are from france - so i guess that makes them good or something? Whatever your stance on regional music - this is dope disco. With some more indie and progressive elements in this record its a perfect balance to make everyone dance. I could not find much information on this french duo from discogs, so im guessing they have day jobs or kids or something like that. On the remix is Mighty Mouse who i also can't find much information on. There are some really average-bad remixes of this floating around on the internet, so this one will surely turn your frown upside down. IF YOU LIKE IT, BUY IT.

John & Jenn - Looking For You (Mighty Mouse NYC Sensations Mix)

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